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Student Success Toolbox
Step Explanation
4 Identify stressors
(describe issues or reasons)
5 Review and assess readiness
(describe how)
6 Rehearse
(describe how)
7 Create view of success
8 Commit to performing
(describe how)
9 Perception check
(how did you know you were
or were not
on target to meet performance outcomes?)
10 Self-assess
12 to 15 minutes seems like a lot of time to fill with speaking in public. I’m stressed about
coming up with enough to talk about. I’m also stressed about standing up in front of several
hundred people and speaking.
I will know that I’m ready for this when I can recall the outline of my speech and deliver each
section with only one or two sort glances at my note cards.
I will draft an outline of my speech and give it to my sister and a couple of her high school
friends. I also plan to practice my speech in front of a camera and then to play it back and self-
critique my presentation.
The audience will applaud my efforts and my orientation contact will thank me for my input.
Further proof of my success could be one or more of the students who listen to the speech
coming up to me afterward, say next semester, and speaking with me about some of what I
I’ve agreed to give the speech and have approved the electronic copy of the program that gives
an overview of who I am and when I’ll be speaking. I have also written about 3/4 of my outline.
While I was speaking, I noticed a lot of eye-contact and when I shared more humorous
experiences, I heard a lot of good-natured laughter. It was obviously going well!
WOW. I’m so relieved it is over but really glad I agreed to do it.
I gave a strong performance and was an interesting speaker. The information I shared
seems to have touched people; I’ve had several people thank me for sharing and ask for
more information.
Surprisingly, I almost ran out of time; I hadn’t considered that there might be questions
from the audience. The next time I give a speech like this, I’ll be sure to find out if there
is an expectation of audience participation (Q&A). I was also pretty nervous, though I
just went ahead with the speech. I think I could use more experience speaking in front of
people and should probably ask if I can take a turn as group spokesperson in my biology
Overall, it seems to have been a good and valuable experience, for everyone.